Yaesu DG-ID Setup

Yaesu DG-ID Setup

How to Set a DG-ID on a Yaesu Radio

DG-ID (Digital Group Identification) allows you to access specific talk groups or networks on a Yaesu System Fusion (C4FM) repeater. Here’s how to configure your Yaesu radio to use a DG-ID.

For Yaesu FT-2D, FT-3D, FT-5D, FTM-100, FTM-200, FTM-300, FTM-400, FTM-500 and Other DG-ID Compatible Radios

Step 1: Enter the Frequency Mode

  1. Turn on your radio.
  2. Ensure you are in VFO Mode (if needed, press the V/M button to switch between memory and VFO mode).
  3. Tune to the repeater’s frequency (146.910 MHz RX / 146.310 MHz TX in this case).

Step 2: Enable DG-ID Mode

  1. Press the DISP/SETUP, F (Function) or GM button, depending on your radio model.
  2. Navigate to DG-ID Setting (this may be under “SIGNALING” or “DIGITAL” in the menu).
  3. Ensure DG-ID Mode is Enabled or ON.

Step 3: Set the DG-ID Number

  1. Locate the DG-ID TX (Transmit) and DG-ID RX (Receive) settings.
  2. Enter the desired DG-ID from the list:
  • 01 – Local Repeater Use
  • 10 – XLX097 Module A
  • 11 – XLX097 Module B (WolfDen/New England D-STAR Network)
  • 12 – XLX097 Module C (Boston, MA Chat)
  • 13 – XLX097 Module D (Providence, RI Chat)
  • 99 – Wires-X
  1. Set the TX DG-ID (what you transmit).
  2. Set the RX DG-ID (what you receive). If you want to hear everything, you can set RX to 00 (Open Mode).

Step 4: Save the Settings

  1. Press BACK or EXIT to return to the main screen.
  2. Confirm that DG-ID is displayed on the screen.
  3. Test your connection by keying up and checking for a repeater response.

Additional Tips

  • If you are not sure which DG-ID to use, start with 01 (Local Use) to ensure you can reach the repeater.
  • For linking to a specific XLX097 module, make sure you select the correct DG-ID number from the list.
  • If you want to use Wires-X, set DG-ID 99 and then follow Wires-X procedures to access a room.