APRS POTA Spotting

APRS POTA Spotting

If you like to get outside and activate a park or a summit you should look into APSPOT.radio

When you get to your location site tune into 144.390 FM. If you hear that APRS signal you most likely will be able to send a APRS message and spot yourself.

This is a snippet from the apspot.radio website.

What does it support?

At present, APSPOT supports the following activities:

WWFF (World Wide Flora and Fauna) – https://wwff.co/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) – https://www.sota.org.uk/
POTA (Parks On The Air) – https://parksontheair.com/
SiOTA (Silos On The Air) – https://www.silosontheair.com/

I decided to give it a try, so I sent a message to APSPOT with the content of “spots POTA”. This is what came back:

Not to bad from 9PM Christmas Eve.

Check out the website there are some photos, videos and example to get you going.