**How To Create An XLXD Reflector **

**How To Create An XLXD Reflector **

Setting up an XLXD Multimode Reflector (Xtra Large Crosslink) reflector on a cloud server can be a great way to ensure reliability and accessibility. Here’s a general guide to setting up an XLXD Multimode Reflector on a Cloud Server.


1. A cloud server (e.g., AWS,Vultr.com Cloud server) running a supported Linux distribution (e.g.,www.debian.org).

2. SSH access to the cloud server (https://putty.org).

3. Basic knowledge of Linux and command-line operations.

1. Set Up a Cloud Server

   Choose a cloud provider and create a virtual server instance with the necessary resources (CPU, RAM, storage).

   Ensure you have SSH access to the server. You’ll need it for remote administration.

2. Install Required Software (Debian Version 9,10 or 11).

   Connect to your cloud server via SSH (Putty).

   Update the package list and install any required dependencies (e.g., Git, build tools).

   Download and compile the XLX software from the official repository. You can typically find this on (https://github.com/n5amd/xlxd-debian-installer)

3. Configure Network Settings

   Assign a Static IP Address to your Cloud Server.

   Configure the Firewall Settings to allow traffic on the necessary Ports (e.g., 80, 443, 12345, and others as specified by XLX Reflector).

XLXD Reflector Firewall Settings

  • TCP Port 80 (https)
  • TCP Port 443 (https)
  • TCP Port 22 (ssh)
  • UDP Port 10001 (json interface XLXD core)
  • UDP Port 10002 (XLXD interlink)
  • UDP Port 10100 (Ambed controller Port)
  • UDP Port 10101 – 10199 (Ambed transcoding Port)
  • UDP Port 30001 (DExtra protocol)
  • UDP Port 20001 (DPlus protocol)
  • UDP Port 30051 (DCS protocol)
  • UDP Port 62030 (MMDVM protocol)
  • UDP Port 8880 (DMR+ DMO mode)
  • UDP Port 42000 (YSF Reflector)

4. Configure XLXD Reflector

   Edit the XLX configuration file (usually named (“XLXDHosts.txt”) to specify your reflector settings, including module names, ports, and other parameters.

   Ensure that the configuration reflects the Static IP Address of your Cloud Server.

5. Start the XLXD Reflector Software

   Run the XLX Reflector Software on your Cloud Server by executing the appropriate command.

   Make sure it starts without errors and is listening on the specified ports.

6. Secure Access (Optional)

   Implement security measures like firewall rules and fail2ban to protect your cloud server from unauthorized access.

7. Connect Radios

   Configure DMR, D-Star, or System Fusion radios to connect to your cloud-based XLX Reflector. Specify the cloud server’s IP address and ports.

8. Testing

   Test your setup by connecting radios to the XLX Reflector. Ensure that you can access the configured modules.

9. Monitoring and Maintenance

   Regularly monitor the status of your XLX Reflector on the cloud server.

   Keep your software and system up to date to ensure stability and security.

10. Backups (Recommended)

    Implement regular backups of your XLX Reflector configuration and server data to prevent data loss in case of server issues.

11. Share with Others (Optional)

    If you want to allow others to connect to your cloud-based XLXD Reflector, configure Port Forwarding on the cloud server’s firewall and share the XLXD Reflector’s details.

Remember that cloud server configurations may vary depending on your chosen provider, so consult their documentation for specific details on creating and securing virtual server instances. Additionally, refer to the official XLXD Reflector Documentation How to create an XLX D-Star or DMR or YSF Reflector – N5AMD’s Digital Voice Resource or How-to-Create-a-Multimode-Digital-Voice-Reflector.pdf (ad6dm.net) for any specific configuration requirements for the software version you’re using.

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