Hosted on the Wolf Den repeaters
Sunday 7PM EST “PAWA Digital Net”
- XLX097 Reflector DMR/YSF/D-Star/Wires-X Wolf Den
- All Wolf Den Repeater
- Also Available on the Bridgewater & Cumberland DMR repeaters
- Net Control N1NTM Mike
Monday 7PM “New England Multimode DV Net”
- XLX097 Reflector DMR/YSF/D-Star/Wires-X Wolf Den
- All Wolf Den Repeaters
- Net Control W1JOP John
Tuesday 6PM ET “NEFG”
- XLX097 Reflector DMR/YSF/D-Star/Wires-X Wolf Den
- All Wolf Den Repeaters
- Net Control Chris
Wednesday 9PM EST “Digital Learning Net”
- KC1VAX 442.950 CC1 TS 2 TG 31088
- Colorado HD Network
- Net Control W0SUN Bucky
Thursday 9PM EST “Lets Talk Tech”
- KC1VAX 442.950 CC1 TS 2 TG 313136
- KC-Wide Network
- Net Control W0SUN Bucky
Friday 8PM ET “New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net”
- XLX097 Reflector DMR/YSF/D-Star/Wires-X Wolf Den
- All Wolf Den Repeaters
If you would like to host a Net on the New England Digital Radio Network, please fill out the form below.